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  4. 定例ミーティング「日本のビジネスマナー」Regular Meeting “Japanese Business Manners”




定例ミーティング「日本のビジネスマナー」Regular Meeting “Japanese Business Manners”


  • 理事 事務局長 松久久也
  • 理事 山村哲朗
  • 顧問 西孝雄
  • Tada Hayato(多田隼人)(日本)
  • Bangkit Aditya Wiryawan (インドネシア)
  • Hor Chantha (カンボジア)
  • Chia-jung Wu (台湾)
  • Ean Chhorida(ベトナム)
  • Lim Lyhong (カンボジア)




二つ目に、身だしなみです。ビジネスでは親しい相手だけではなく、地位や年齢、考え方が異なる人と接する必要があります。そんなときに、相手は外見をもとにその人を判断するため、不快感を与えない身だしなみが大切です。 最も大切なのは「清潔感」「上品さ」です。不潔にしていると不快感を与え、その人の評価も下がります。





The participants are as follows :
• Director Secretary General Hisaya Matsuhisa
• Director Tetsuro Yamamura
• Advisor Takao Nishi
• Tada Hayato (Japan)
• Bangkit Aditya Wiryawan (Indonesia)
• Hor Chantha (Cambodia)
• Chia-jung Wu (Taiwan)
• Ean Chhorida (Vietnam)
• Lim Lyhong (Cambodia)

This week, Mr. Tetsuro Yamamura, a director of the ASEAN Nagoya Club, made a presentation on “Japanese Business Manners”. Business etiquette is a set of rules that govern the way people interact with one another in business, with customers, suppliers, with inside or outside bodies. It is all about conveying the right image and behaving in an appropriate way. Business etiquette can sound like it focuses on small things that are unimportant, but all together they make a big difference to the workplace and the kind of responses received in all areas.

If you don’t understand about business etiquette, it can make people involved in your work feel uncomfortable and give you a bad impression. In that case, you may not be able to reach the goal of your business negotiations or won’t get cooperation within the company.

He mainly talked about “4 manners to avoid shame”. It’s about language, grooming, punctuality, and separating work and private life.

The first is language. Mainly, there are “greetings”, “honorifics” and “honorific titles”. It may be difficult for foreigners, but it is important while doing business in Japan. Being polite is important everywhere. In Japan, politeness is very closely connected to respect. Treat the youngest attendant of the meeting with respect and they won’t forget it, when once leading the company you are doing business with.

The second is grooming. In business, you need to interact not only with people you are close to, but also with people who have different positions, ages, and ways of thinking. In such a case, the other person judges the person based on their appearance, so it is important to have a good appearance that does not cause discomfort. The most important thing is “cleanliness” and “elegance”. Being filthy makes you uncomfortable and lowers your reputation.

The third is punctuality. In Japan, people who cannot be punctual are not trusted in the business (1 minute, 1 second). If you are late, you must contact the other person, apologize for the reason, and tell them your estimated time of arrival.

The last one, separate work and private life. Be aware that you are waged during working hours and avoid behavior that is not related to your work. In addition, since there is a duty of confidentiality in contracts with business partners, it is essential not to easily leak information to others. For example, it is prohibited to view non-business sites from the company’s PC or send private emails from the company’s email address.

The meeting gave an important knowledge to international students, especially to those who wish to work in Japan after graduation.
