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  4. 定例ミーテイング 「日本留学中に外国人留学生が学ぶべきこと」 Regular Meeting “What Foreign Students Should Learn While Studying in Japan”




定例ミーテイング 「日本留学中に外国人留学生が学ぶべきこと」 Regular Meeting “What Foreign Students Should Learn While Studying in Japan”


  • 代表理事 小里孝
  • 顧問 西孝雄
  • Ean Chhorida (カンボジア)
  • Phuong Anh Ngoc Pham (ベトナム)
  • Gito Santos (東ティモール)
  • Bangkit Aditya Wiryawan (インドネシア)
  • Chia-jung Wu (台湾)
  • Sous Monirida (カンボジア)
  • Cheam Kimlaing (カンボジア)
  • Soush Mony Odham (カンボジア)
  • Sok Mey (カンボジア)
  • Rith Chanmalika (カンボジア)
  • Lim Lyhong (カンボジア)

今週、リダー(Ean Chhorida)さんは、日本留学中に外国人留学生が学ぶべきことについて話しました。







The participants this time are as follows.
• Representative Director Takashi Kosato
• Advisor Takao Nishi
• Ean Chhorida (Cambodia)
• Phuong Anh Ngoc Pham (Vietnam)
• Gito Santos (East Timor)
• Bangkit Aditya Wiryawan (Indonesia)
• Chia-jung Wu (Taiwan)
• Sous Monirida (Cambodia)
• Cheam Kimlaing (Cambodia)
• Soush Mony Odham (Cambodia)
• Sok Mey (Cambodia)
• Rith Chanmalika (Cambodia)
• Lim Lyhong (Cambodia)

This week, Ms. Ean Chhorida talked about what International students should learn while studying in Japan.
Studying in Japan gives you more important knowledge and valuable experience than just writing reports and treatises. The first is to acquire new skills. Specifically, it is the acquisition of a language. Of course, when you come to Japan, you can easily improve your Japanese ability, but in fact, you also have the opportunity to learn other languages. For example, at Nagoya University, language courses such as French, Chinese, Russian, Spanish, and Portuguese are offered free of charge. In addition, you can learn skills such as drawing, manga, and handmade. Besides, you can also strengthen your soft skills. For example, time management, savings practices, exercise, dieting, online communication methods, etc.

Secondly is international exchange. Universities in Japan have many international students from various countries. For example, at Nagoya University, there are many international students from Europe and Africa as well as Asia, so there are many opportunities to interact with them. Through international exchange, you can introduce your country and broaden your horizons. The more acquaintances you have, the more chances you have.

Third, you can learn about Japanese culture, Japanese ways of thinking and techniques. Japan has a special culture and there is much to learn. For example, Japanese hospitality is unique and wonderful, unlike any other country. Also, since Japan has many natural disasters, you can observe how to deal with them. You can also learn about Japanese business by interacting with Japanese entrepreneurs.

Finally, you are ready to connect to your future course. For example, you can now consider what you want to be in the future and collect materials and literature that are not in your home country for your profession. For example, Cambodia is a developing country, so literature in various fields, including law, is limited. Therefore, I would like to utilize my time in Japan to collect literature related to the profession I want to be in the future and make it useful after returning home from Japan.






