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  3. 定例会アーカイブズ(2014~2019)
  4. 定例ミーテイング 「ASEANと日本の貿易(輸出入活動)」Regular meeting “Trade between ASEAN and Japan (Import /Export Activities)”




定例ミーテイング 「ASEANと日本の貿易(輸出入活動)」Regular meeting “Trade between ASEAN and Japan (Import /Export Activities)”


  • 代表理事 小里孝
  • 理事 山村哲朗
  • 理事 大黒輝夫
  • 顧問 西孝雄
  • Bangkit Aditya Wiryawan (インドネシア)
  • Samuth Nenchan (カンボジア)
  • Kawada Nathalie(日本)
  • Lim Lyhong (カンボジア)

本日、バンキット(Bangkit Aditya Wiryawan)さんは、ASEANと日本の貿易(輸出入活動)、特にインドネシアと日本の貿易を中心に発表しました。






Participants are as follows.
• Representative Director Takashi Kosato
• Director Tetsuro Yamamura
• Director Teruo Oguro
• Advisor Takao Nishi
• Bangkit Aditya Wiryawan (Indonesia)
• Samuth Nenchan (Cambodia)
• Kawada Nathalie (Japan)
• Lim Lyhong (Cambodia)

Mr. Bangkit Aditya Wiryawan from Indonesia presented his topic about the trade between ASEAN and Japan (import and export activities), especially the trade between Indonesia and Japan.

First, he talked about the impact of the new Coronavirus in the world. Economic activity has stopped due to this pandemic, and the whole world, including ASEAN, has been seriously hit. The unemployment rate is also rising day by day. According to the World Bank, the global economic growth rate in 2020 is expected to reach the worst of about -5%.

He also talked about trade between Japan and Indonesia. He pointed out that there are some mismatches in trade between the two countries. For example, cocoa and chocolate. In 2018, Indonesia exported cocoa and chocolate to Malaysia at 14.7%, while Japan imported cocoa and chocolate from Malaysia at 16.4%. In other words, Indonesia does not export much agricultural products to the Japanese market. The reasons for this are that Indonesia has weak marketing in the Japanese market, and there is little information exchange and entrepreneurial exchange between the two countries.

Finally, we discussed about post-Corona trade activities. In this pandemic, the industry and service industry have been damaged, but agriculture has not suffered much. Therefore, agriculture is expected to continue growing after the corona, and there is still a room for active trade activities between Indonesia and Japan.
