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  3. 定例会アーカイブズ(2014~2019)
  4. 第38回定例ミーティング「モンゴル国、その特徴」The 38th Regular Meeting “Mongolia and Its characteristics”




第38回定例ミーティング「モンゴル国、その特徴」The 38th Regular Meeting “Mongolia and Its characteristics”


ゾラさんは、「海に面しておらず、中国とロシアに挟まれているモンゴル国は、鉱業が盛ん。人口311万人の65%が首都ウランバートル市に集中しており、国民の54%が20〜40歳で若い人が多い。とりあえずはじめて今後のことを考えるという国民性。学生の留学先は日本がいちばん多い」といったお話しをされました。 参加したASEAN留学生からは、「遊牧文化があるので農業や観光に力を入れたほうが良い」「教育を充実させ若い世代の育成や女性の社会進出を図るべき」といった意見が出されました。



Today’s theme is “Mongolia and its characteristics”. Ms. Byamba Munfursol (nickname: Ms. Zora), who came to study at the Graduate School of Law, Nagoya University from Mongolia presented her lecture about Mongolia.

Mongolia, which does not face the sea and is sandwiched between China and Russia, has a thriving mining industry. 65% of the population of 3.11 million is concentrated in the capital city of Ulaanbaatar, and 54% of the population. There are many young people between the ages of 20 and 40.

Japan is the most popular destination country for Mongolian students. She explained that Mongolia needs to focus more on agriculture and tourism, and also enhance education for the younger generations and promote women’s social advancement.”

The secretariat introduced two new international students from Vietnam and one from Mongolia. We also made a preparation for the visit of the Indonesian Governor’s Inspection Team on September 29 and Indonesia. We would have a business matching on October 17th in Jakarta.

After the study session, a social gathering was held at a Mongolian restaurant recommended by Ms. Zora. Both Japanese and International students from Nagoya University rented the national costumes of the country and enjoyed the cultural understanding.

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