第8回ミーティング報告書 2015年3月26日 (The 8th Meeting Report March 26, 2015)

留学生の皆さんが何を望み、日本側は皆さんに何を伝えたらよいか。ASEAN-NAGOYA CLUBが発展していくためには、留学生のニーズを的確につかみ、そのニーズに基づいて私たちOBが対話を通じて支援していくことがとても大切です。今日は、全員で確認作業をいたしました。
またASEAN-NAGOYA CLUBの設立目的をあらためて確認いたしますと、以下のようになります。1)ASEAN留学生の皆さんが日本の文化・伝統を正しく理解し、知日派になってもらう。2)名古屋大学OBが中心となり、日本人学生、日本企業も含めた交流を通じて、ASEAN各国のリーダーとなる留学生と信頼関係を構築し、帰国後も含め末永く支援する。
Future Activity Frame
This time was our 8th meeting and we looked back on past themes and had a dialogue with everyone to make the content even more fulfilling. As we said from the beginning, this club was established as a bridge between international students and Japanese to arise a mutual understanding. We tried to explore what is expected by international students and we provide an overview of Japanese society and culture. ASEAN Nagoya C activities attempts to provide space for dialogue, discussion, and open insights for both parties to understand each other.
The contents of previous topic of discussion were: ① description of Japanese society and each ASEAN countries ② Japanese cultural traditions and Japanese way of thinking. ③ Japanese business and private sectors ④ expectation and plan in the future. The purposes of ASEAN-NAGOYA CLUB establishment are as follows.
1) creating a mutual understanding of culture and traditions among ASEAN countries and Japanese.
2) building a mutual trust among International Students who will be leaders in ASEAN countries and Japanese companies through exchange and support after they return home to their countries.
The content of the dialogue so far has been filled with valuable information for both international students and the Japanese. Based on these results, we came up with the idea of making a publication. However, while recognizing that it is important to convey it to people in the world, it has become a common recognition that the actual existence of this society itself is of invaluable Value.
As mentioned at the beginning, it is important to grasp the needs of international students and hold discussions on them in order to enhance future dialogue. From this point of view, we have decided to ask international students to submit themes for the next and subsequent meetings.
As a reference example of the desired theme, we discussed the “serious theme” of “why do International students find it hard to interact with Japanese students who have no overseas experience “. It seems that even international students who have learned Japanese for a long period of study abroad cannot interact with Japanese students.
International students were challenged by academic, social, and emotional difficulties in the new environment. They were not familiar with social and cultural norms, which could negatively affect social interaction among the international students and Japanese students.
As a coping strategy, the study suggests that international students establish supporting groups with co-nationals or friends who share similar cultural backgrounds. Additionally, interaction with Japanese students is encouraged as a means of coping with adjustment challenges, which positively influences students’ satisfaction with life and learning. On the other hand, Japanese students who have no overseas experience do not seem to have some interest to interact with international students with some reasons. We are going to discuss this sometime this year.
<留学生メンバー>荻巣先生(コメンテーター)、島津氏(名古屋大学大学院コーディネーター)Mr.Mardiansyah Mardis、Mr.Indra Kesuma Nasution、Mr.Lim Lyhong、Mr.Pak Chanlino、Ms.May Thiri、Ms.Jaroonruangrit Nalynya、Ms.Sisouk Boualaphiane
Mr. Ori, Mr. Nishi, Mr. Suzuki, Mr. Oguro, Mr. Matsuhisa (coordinator), Mr. Tanaka (staff)
Ms. Ogisu (Commentator), Ms. Shimazu (Nagoya University Graduate School Coordinator) Mr. Mardiansyah Mardis, Mr.Indra Kesuma Nasution, Mr.Lim Lyhong, Mr.Pak Chanlino, Ms. May Thiri, Ms. Jaroonruangrit Nalynya, Ms.Sisouk Boualaphiane