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  4. 第39回定例ミーティング「私がトヨタのグローバル展開(特にタイ新会社立ち上げ経験)で学んだこと」39th Regular Meeting “What we learned from Toyota’s global expansion (especially the experience of launching a new Thai company)”




第39回定例ミーティング「私がトヨタのグローバル展開(特にタイ新会社立ち上げ経験)で学んだこと」39th Regular Meeting “What we learned from Toyota’s global expansion (especially the experience of launching a new Thai company)”






The theme for this 40th edition is “What we learned from Toyota’s global expansion (especially the experience of launching a new Thai company)”. Mr. Teruo Oguro, a director of this CLUB and Toyota Transportation / Advisor, gave his lectures.

Mr. Oguro, who joined Toyota about 40 years ago, learned the origin of his work as local spot, improvement, and Ho-Ren-So while gaining experience in the back office departments such as accounting, overseas taxation, and auditing, and then Thailand. He became the person in charge of setting up the factory. Originally, they were promoting the export of vehicles from Japan to Thailand, which is a pro-Japanese country. However, the scope is still small, and we have decided to set up a joint venture locally in preparation for the new policy of the Thai government, which is “domestic production of engines.”

At first, it was difficult for me to adapt with Thai’s way of life. However, he had a willingness to learn more about their culture and work ethics. For example, he went to the Thai manager’s home and met his family, he also attended the wedding ceremony and party of the Thai staff, gradually he became accustomed to the local way of thinking and built a relationship of trust while maintaining the Japanese way of thinking.

While working abroad, it is important to understand the local culture and people, and he learned that “even if you are enthusiastic about representing Toyota, there are some limits.” Through such experiences, he had a view of life that “values interaction with people, enjoys everything”, “always remembers efforts to improve ourselves, and always walks forward with dreams”. After the closing, a social gathering was held at a Thai restaurant.




