定例ミーティング「インターネット時代における情報とフェクニュース」Regular meeting “Information and Fake News in the Internet Era”

- 代表理事 小里孝
- 理事 大黒輝夫
- 顧問 西孝雄
- Samuth Nenchan (カンボジア)
- Quynh Tran(ベトナム)
- Meagan Finlay(アメリカ)
- Lim Lyhong (カンボジア)
まず、アメリカにおけるフェイクニュースの状況です。メーガンさんは、フェイクニュース(fake news)とミス・インフォメーション(misinformation)の定義を確認しました。フェイクニュースとは、「インターネットまたは他のメディアから広まっているニュースの形式を借りた記事で一般的に、政治的に影響を与えるため、または冗談として作成されたもの」です。これに対して、ミス・インフォメーションとは、「間違った情報または騙すことを意図した情報」です。フェイクニュースの特徴として、文脈に何らかの欠陥があります。さらに、感情に訴えるものやあたかもニュースソースが正当であるように見える記事になっています。また、メーガンさんは、アメリカにおける政治的に利用される一例のフィクニュースの動画を流し、説明しました。
The participants are as follows :
• Representative Director Takashi Kosato
• Director Teruo Oguro
• Advisor Takao Nishi
• Samuth Nenchan (Cambodia)
• Quynh Tran (Vietnam)
• Megan Finlay (USA)
• Lim Lyhong (Cambodia)
This week, Ms. Meghan from the United States, Mr. Samuth from Cambodia, and Ms. Quynh from Vietnam presented information and fake news in their respective countries.
First, Ms. Megan, from USA, has reviewed the definitions of fake news and misinformation. Fake news is “articles borrowed from the form of news that is widespread on the Internet or other media, generally created for political influence or as a joke.” Misinformation, on the other hand, is “wrong information or information intended to be deceived.” A characteristic of fake news is that there is some flaw in the context. In addition, the articles are emotional and appear to be legitimate news sources. Ms. Meghan also played and explained a video of an example of politically used fake news in the United States.
In Cambodia, SNS is very popular among young people. Cambodia has a total population of about 16 million, of which about 10 million have Facebook accounts. The information shared on Facebook also includes political fake news. Therefore, the people who share it are subject to crackdowns, but how to distinguish it from the freedom of expression of the people is also being discussed.
Fake news is also a social problem in Vietnam. For example, a fake news about the poisonous drink that produced by a local company. The rumor said that anyone drinks it is going to die. All the people began to refrain from buying those drinks. As a result, the company suffered from great loss.
In this discussion, we were able to confirm that fake news has become a social issue today. In the future, further discussions will be needed on countermeasures against it.