第14回ミーティング報告書 2015年9月22日 (The 14th Meeting Report September 22, 2015)

ASEAN-NAGOYA CLUBの第十四回目です。本日は荻巣先生、島津先生ともに、海外ご出張です。留学生も6名が帰国中です。今日のテーマは、日本人のマナー。日本の文化は独特で、世界の人から分かりにくいという声がありますが、留学生のみなさんは、逆に、日本のマナーを身に付けたいと考えておられます。マナーの話しは非常に裾野が広く、深く、1回ではとても理解できませんが、今日は、留学生が戸惑う日本人のマナーについて触れてみます。
Japanese Etiquette
This is the 14th time of ASEAN-NAGOYA CLUB. Today, both Professor Ogisu and Professor Shimazu are on a business trip overseas. Six international students are returning to Japan. Today’s theme is Japanese manners. Some people around the world say that Japanese culture is unique and difficult to understand, but international students, on the contrary, want to learn Japanese etiquette.
1. Direct Eye Contact
The question is that why do Japanese people avoid having direct eye contact? In general, Japanese don’t stare at the other party’s eyes at the time while talking. it is considered uncomfortable to be done so unless they are very intimate or they are seriously discussing an important issue.
A Japanese OB (alumni) explained the background of Japanese society. It is Bushido. In Bushido, there was a principle of not seeing the face even if there was a talk from a superior. It was very rude to look at and talk to a high-ranking person. The social division system of the Edo period had a method of speaking. When the lord told his vassals (subordinates), he was divided into a class of people who could see the lord’s face and those who couldn’t. Even people who can look at their faces only look down from their necks. These cultural traditions may have influenced the behavior of the Japanese. Talking with your eyes away can give you the impression that it is suspicious, but in Japan in the past, talking with your eyes led to the impression of being suspicious.
One way to cope with this difficult situation is to look at the eyes and then away or preferably down before looking again. This doesn’t mean that you should stare at your shoes. You can look at various places on the face before looking back at the eyes. For example, eyebrows, mouth area etc. Try this simple rule: limit eye contact to 25% of the time.
However Eye Contact in Business Related Situations is important. Things are never quite as cut and dried as they seem. Anyone aware of Japanese etiquette to even a limited degree will know this. One area where increased eye contact is important is in business negotiations, meetings and teaching job interviews. In these situations, avoiding eye contact is perceived as the applicant or business partner “hiding something” or is possibly being deceptive.
2. Discussing about Personal Things
Japanese isn’t comfortable to talk about personal matters. They aren’t preoccupation with age, marital status, and children. These ideas are quite personal and usually have no bearing on a conversation between two people who have just met, other than if they are hitting on each other. Asking questions such as “How old are you? Are you married? How many children do you have?” are considered personal questions. The Japanese people don’t feel comfortable talking about themselves. They want to look happy by not revealing their personal circumstances.
Another example, even within the same company, we don’t ask each other about the amount of the salary. In the Edo period, a person’s status in society was determined by the amount of salary. People born in the Meiji, Taisho, and early Showa eras have a strong sense of this, and it has been said that the story of money is dignified.
3. Department Store Etiquette
Department store customer service is a great example of understanding Japanese etiquette. Department stores have etiquette that has been continuing since the Edo period. The first department stores in Japan were founded during the early 1900s. Their predecessors were kimono stores, which supplied various types of luxurious goods during the Edo and Meiji periods. Japanese department stores were largely successful for decades.
Japanese department stores are famous for their unparalleled customer service. The constant greeting by the staff is a distinguishable feature. If you visit a big department store just before it opens, you would usually see its employees lined up neatly, waiting to welcome customers. The moment the second hand of the clock hits the opening time, the doors will be punctually opened, and customers can make a grand entrance being flanked by bowing and greeting staff.
The elevator girls are another unique characteristic. They are female staff, neatly dressed in uniform with the task to tend to the elevators. They provide relevant information to customers as the elevator goes through the different levels and act according to requests by customers to alight at specific floors. Unfortunately, the number of elevator girls has decreased in recent times, but they can still be found at some of the bigger stores in Tokyo and Osaka.
Learning etiquette in a department store is also a good job. Once you join the company, you can just learn from your seniors, imitate them, and observe them. If you want to learn Japanese etiquette, it is appropriate to apprentice at a department store. It was said that if a woman had an apprenticeship at a department store before she got married, she would be fully qualified to be a good wife. Women sew flower arrangements, cooking, tea ceremony, and kimono. It seems that women are able to learn all kinds of manners.
It seems that department stores have five major customer service terms. “Welcome”. “Thank you”. “Excuse me”. “I’m sorry”. “Please come again.” These five are spoken over and over again every morning with bowing angles of 45 degrees, 30 degrees, and 15 degrees. Through such training, we will realize the three philosophies of “smile, speed (customers are said to be the most reluctant to hold back), and finally sincerity”. All of these are “Japanese hospitality”.
Today is the graduation of Ms. Sreyden, an international student from Cambodia. Goma-chan, a good friend of Chihuahua, came to congratulate Ms. Sreyden’s graduation. Ms. Sreyden, who loves Japan, will surely come back to Japan someday.
<留学生メンバー>Mr.Indra Kesuma Nasution、Mr.Lim Lyhong、Mr.Chheourn KuyEng 、Ms.Sreyden Vong、Mr. Nguyen Huu Phuc、Ms. Trang Thu Tran
Mr. Ori, Mr. Nishi, Mr. Suzuki, Mr. Oguro, Mr. Haruna, Ms. Minoura, Mr. Yamamura, Mr. Matsuhisa (coordinator), Mr. Tanaka (staff)
Mr. Indra Kesuma Nasution , Mr. Lim Lyhong, Mr. Chheourn KuyEng, Ms. Sreyden Vong, Mr. Nguyen Huu Phuc, Ms. Trang Thu Tran