第23回ビジネス研究会「日本のブライダル産業について」The 23rd Business Study Group “About Japanese Bridal Industry”

今回の講師には、岐阜県岐阜市でハウスウエディングやウエディングプロデュースを行っている株式会社サン・ワード 代表取締役の山下信彦様にお越し頂きました。
また、山下社長は昨年10月にASEAN-NAGOYA CLUBがインドネシア政府とともに主催したジャカルタでのビジネスマッチングに参加されました。
The lecturer this time was Mr. Nobuhiko Yamashita, CEO of Sun Ward Co., Ltd., that provides wedding planning in Gifu City, Gifu Prefecture.
Attracted by the abundant natural charm of Australia, President Yamashita started a wedding production company in Australia. After that, he returned to Japan and established a wedding producing company in Gifu City in 1998.
Emphasizing philosophy and vision, trust with colleagues, analysis and action, the company thoroughly implements a dominant strategy. It boasts the No. 1 in Gifu prefecture.
As the bridal market in Japan declines slightly over the years, the company has a mission of “making the world happy with services”. He said that he would like to seriously consider and provide services that no one has thought of, values that no one has seen, and new things that will please our customers.
In addition, President Yamashita participated in the business matching in Jakarta hosted by ASEAN-NAGOYA CLUB together with the Indonesian government in October last year.
In the ASEAN region, unlike Japan, the number of people attending weddings is hundreds, and at most more than 1,000. He commented that Japan’s bridal business is likely to be accepted because people become more prosperous as the economy grows.