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  3. 定例会アーカイブズ(2014~2019)
  4. 第42回定例ミーティング「母国・ラオスと日本との文化の違い、日本に来て感じたこと」The 42nd Regular Meeting “Cultural differences between my home country, Laos, and Japan, what I felt when I came to Japan”




第42回定例ミーティング「母国・ラオスと日本との文化の違い、日本に来て感じたこと」The 42nd Regular Meeting “Cultural differences between my home country, Laos, and Japan, what I felt when I came to Japan”

今回の講師は名古屋大学大学院人文学研究科のThiva Douangchanh氏(ニックネーム、トーさん)がつとめてくださいました。テーマは「母国であるラオスと日本の文化の違いや日本で感じたこと」についてです。

ラオスでの挨拶はとても大切であり、「こんにちは」という意味の「Sa Bai Dee(サバーイディー)」ということばと、真摯なアイコンタクト、そして温かい雰囲気を伝えていことから、今回のミーティングはスタートしました。


・日本は伝統的な文化、現代的な文化の両方を大切にしているが、ラオスでは – とりわけラオスの若者には – 伝統的文化を大切にする精神が忘れられつつあることに危機感を感じている。



The lecturer this time was Mr. Thiva Douangchanh (Mr. To) of the Graduate School of Humanities, Nagoya University. The theme is “Cultural differences between my home country, Laos and Japan and what I felt about Japan”.

The reason why he decided to study in Japan, where English is not the official language, was that he had wished to deepen his research on common issues in communication in English, where English is not the first official language in both Laos and Japan

Mr. To conveyed some points:
・ Collaboration among SMEs are important between the two countries. Japanese SMEs need to see this opportunity to create the partnerships with each other and develop their businesses. However, Lao SMEs have not yet seen such signs from SMEs in Japan.
・ It is interesting that the Japanese tourism industry also includes their tourism products.
・ One of the impressive things is that Japanese gives so much respect to the senior and the elderly.
・ Japan values both traditional and modern cultures, but in Laos especially for young Lao people, Mr. To felt a sense of crisis that the spirit of valuing traditional culture was being forgotten.

In conclusion, he stated his determination, “I would like to utilize the ideas I learned here in Laos and work on the development for my country.”

