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  3. 定例会アーカイブズ(2014~2019)
  4. 第2回ミーティング報告書 2014年9月22日 The 2nd Meeting Report (On Monday, September 22, 2014, 16: 30-18: 00)




第2回ミーティング報告書 2014年9月22日 The 2nd Meeting Report (On Monday, September 22, 2014, 16: 30-18: 00)

2014年9月22日(月)、16:30-18:00、アセアン・名古屋クラブは、月例ミーティングを行ないました。今回の担当はカンボジア留学生の皆さんです。名古屋大学の国際関係の大学院生のMr.Nong Monin、及び名古屋大学の法学大学院生のMr.Pak Chanlino,及びMr.Lim Lyhongさんが母国カンボジアについて熱く語ってくれました。
名古屋大学卒業の日本人参加者にカンボジアの地理、政治史、経済、観光についてレクチャーを行いました。Mr.Nong Moninさんによるプレゼンテーションの後、質問やコメントなどオープンディスカッションを行いました。国民のほとんどが仏教徒ですので、彼らの生活習慣と重ね合わせながら、カンボジアをとても身近に感じることができました。レクチャーでは未来にむかってひた走るカンボジアの姿を理解することができました。

Introduction about Cambodia

The ASEAN Nagoya Club held a monthly meeting. The presentation was delivered by Cambodian students, Mr. Nong Monin, a student at Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University, and Mr. Pak Chanlino and Mr. Lim Lyhong, students at the Graduate School of Law at Nagoya University, who passionately talked about their home country of Cambodia.

They gave a lecture to Japanese participants about the geography, political history, economy, and tourism of Cambodia. After the presentation by Mr. Nong Monin, discussion wash held, with questions and comments.

Most of Cambodians are Buddhist which is no big difference from the beliefs of many Japanese, more or less they have the same way of life and values. In this presentation, the presenter explained about Cambodia and its development towards a promising future.

At the end of the presentation, Mr. Monin talked about his dream. As you all know, during the Pol Pot period (1975 to 1979), the country lost its human and economic foundations and became one of the poorest countries in the world.

The biggest challenge and dream is how to get out of this situation, improve the economy, and overcome the poverty. The Japanese participants showed their understanding that getting out of poverty is an immediate issue and advised them to take a long-term perspective into consideration.

In the case of Japan, there are some negative aspects to economic development, such as many mental issues and suicides due to rapid economic development, weakening of family ties, and widening disparities.

Breaking the vicious circle of poverty is an essential condition for economic development. Economic growth is the most powerful instrument for reducing poverty and improving the quality of life in developing countries. Strong economic growth therefore advances human development, which, in turn, promotes economic growth. The advances human development by paying more attention to the society for example, tradition, environmental protection, health, improvement of educational standards are fundamental aspects to build an equitable society.

After the meeting, we went to a traditional Japanese Sushi restaurant and enjoyed discussing many topics such as culture, daily life, and social issues of both countries with Cambodian students. Everyone was so enthusiastic to work together to build a strong bond for future business cooperation.



Mr. Nong Monin、Mr. Pak Chanlino, Mr. Lim Lyhong、荻巣先生(名古屋大学コーディネーター)
