第1回シンポジウム開催報告書 2016年3月12日 ASEAN Community Inauguration Memorial Symposium (March 12, 2016)

ASEAN-NAGOYA CLUBは、ASEAN共同体発足記念シンポジウムを開催いたしました。このたびは名古屋大学大学院国際開発研究科との共催プロジェクトとなりました。名古屋大学大学院国際開発研究科の先生方のご理解を賜り、栄誉ある共同開催となり、 ●開会のご挨拶を伊東教授からご挨拶をいただきました。
●ASEAN-NAGOYA CLUB代表理事の西孝雄より開会のご挨拶に続き、基調講演が行われました。
●事務局から「ASEAN-NAGOYA CLUBの設立経緯」について、報告がありました。
現在の日本の自画自賛型のテレビ番組をみていますと、懸念を感じざるを得ません。今後、ASEANが急速に力をつけていく時代にあって、日本人はしっかり対応していけるのかという懸念が、あります。これがASEAN-NAGOYA CLUBの発足の契機になりました。
ASEAN-NAGOYA CLUBは、現在の経済的側面だけではなく、遠い将来の二国間関係を見据えて、対話を重ねていきたいと考えています。
●インドネシア、INDRA KESUMA NASUTION(名古屋大学大学院国際開発研究科・博士課程)
またASEAN-NAGOYA CLUBは、大学と産業界をつなぐ重要な役割を果たしています。一般的に、大学同士の関係、企業同士の関係に終始することが多いものですが、ASEAN-NAGOYA CLUBは、大学と企業を横断的につないでいます。大学に足らないもの、ビジネスに足らないもの、この両者のニーズを見事に満たす機能を果たしていいます。
ASEAN economic will not moving anywhere without japan
Japan economic will not progress further without ASEAN.
Why don’t we drive to the better future together?
It is now for us to decide
●カンボジア、LIM LYHONG(名古屋大学大学院法学研究科、博士課程)
ASEAN-NAGOYA CLUBに参加したことで、分かったことが3つあります。
第1に、日本の本当の姿とその歴史的な背景を理解することができました。ASEAN-Nagoya Clubには、日本人の参加者全員が経験豊富なOB方がいらっしゃるからです。OBの方が自らの経験を語ってくださっていますので。大変勉強になりました。例えば、プライバシーに関することです。私は日本に来て、感じたのは、日本人のプライバシーの基準が広いことです。例えば、昨年の9月に、アセアン・名古屋クラブのミーティングのテーマについて、「日本人に対して聞いてはいけない質問」についてディスカッションしていました。カンボジアでは、初めて会った人でも、少し話をしたら、「結婚していますか」などという質問をする人がいますが、日本人はそういうことをあまり聞きません。また、例えば、同じ会社の中でも、給料はいくらかというのは、お互いに質問しないみたいです。わかってきたのは、日本ではお金の話をする人は、評価されない歴史があります。江戸時代の士農工商という身分制度にも、お金にかかわる身分は、最もいやしいものとされてきたそうです。つまり、明治、大正、昭和初期に生まれた人たちには、こうした気風が色濃く残り、「お金の話は、品格がない」とされてきたということがわかりました。
第2に、大学で学べない日本人の考え方を学ぶことができました。例えば、「おもてなし」です。特に、中でも、お客さんに対するおもてなしです。多分、皆様がアパートにいらっしゃったら、店員さんは何度も「いらっしゃいませ」や「ありがとうございます」 という挨拶をしながら、何度もお客さんにお辞儀するということをよく見かけると思います。しかし、「日本のおもてなし」の中で、もっと感動したのは、デパート内での隠語の使用です。つまり、お客様に失礼にならないように、社内で多くの隠語が使わかれているそうです。参加した全員も大変感動しました。この素晴らしい考え方が、恐らく日本に10年・15年間住んでいたとしても、ASEAN-Nagoya Clubに参加する機会がなければ、学べないと思います。
第3に、このクラブに参加することによって、日本だけではなく、アセアンの文化・社会事情を知ることができました。アセアン・名古屋クラブには、インドネシア、タイ、フィリピン、ヴェトナムから来た留学生がいて、彼らが自分の国の状況について教えてくれて、とても勉強になりました。例えば、昨年は、「幸福とは何か?」というテーマについてディスカッションしていました。その時、参加者全員が自分の幸福(My Happiness)10項目を取り上げました。共通の項目は、①健康 、②家族、③お金 ④友人などがありますが、そのうちインドネシアの学生が、「Rukun」という町内会を非常に大切にしていることがわかりました。
第1に、日本と自分の国との架け橋になることです。具体的に申し上げますと、自分の国の情報を提供したり、アピールしたりすることです。例えば、カンボジアの「高等教育」について知りたい日本人がいるのであれば、それを紹介するということです。もしくは、「高等教育」 が詳しいカンボジア人の友達を紹介することです。また、逆に、自国の方がある日本の情報について知りたいのであれば、日本のことを伝えることです。 例えば、その情報が分からなかったとしても、アセアン・名古屋クラブのOBがいらっしゃるので、OBに聞くことができます。
●カンボジア、PAK CHANLINO(名古屋大学大学院法学研究科、修士課程卒業)
PAK CHANLINOさんは、名古屋大学大学院法学研究科、また、ASEAN-NAGOYA CLUBの一期生として卒業し、現在、祖国プノンペンで弁護士・法律事務所代表として、ご活躍されています。
そのPAK CHANLINOさんからビデオレターがご紹介されました。ASEAN-NAGOYA CLUBの貴重な経験、今後の自分の活躍におけるネットワークの重要性についてのご報告がありました。ますますのご活躍をお祈りしたいと思います。
以上、ASEAN-NAGOYA CLUBとして、はじめてのシンポジウムでしたが、会場は満席となり、皆さん非常に熱心に聞いてくださいました。名古屋大学の関係者の方々、出席者の方々に、あらためて深く御礼申し上げたいと思います。
2016年3月13日 ASEAN-NAGOYA CLUB事務局
Report of the 1st Symposium March 12, 2016
ASEAN Community Inauguration Memorial Symposium
ASEAN-NAGOYA CLUB held a symposium commemorating the establishment of the ASEAN Community. This time, it was a prestigious joint project with the Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University.
● Opening remarks by Professor Ito.
● Speech by Takao Nishi, CEO of ASEAN-NAGOYA CLUB
● Keynote Speech: Mr. Hirotaka Yamakawa, a visiting researcher at the Current Affairs Research Institute, talked about the latest trends of Japanese companies in ASEAN.
I just returned from an interview in Myanmar on the weekend and was able to get in touch with the latest information on ASEAN. This time, we focused on five countries in the Mekong region (Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar) from ASEAN.
Across all nations of ASEAN, there is a population of over 622 million people. which is about five times that of Japan and EU with 500 million. It will be the second largest region after China 1.3 billion and India 1.2 billion.The region has one of the largest economies in the world, and it is believed that by 2050, it will have the 4th-largest economy in the world.
Until now, ASEAN has functioned as a production base, but recently it is becoming a consumer market as income increases. In addition, since the Senkaku Islands issue in 2012, 90% of law firms in Beijing have consulted withdrawal from China. The withdrawing companies are expanding into the ASEAN region with tremendous momentum.
The ASEAN Economic Community, which was established at the end of last year, started overcoming differences in politics, economic scale, language, and so on. Four Pillars of the AEC are: Single Market and Production Base, Competitive Economic Region, Equitable Economic Development, and Integration into the Global Economy.
There is agreement for zero tariffs. Most products had zero tariffs at the end of 2015 (some of them, including automobiles, in 2018).
What happens when tariffs go to zero? Speaking of automobile production, factories are being relocated from Vietnam, which has a lower-cost structure that imports parts from Japan, Thailand, and China to assemble automobiles. The automotive industry, which will have zero tariffs in 2018, is likely to experience more and more relocation of production bases. It can be said that Vietnam is likely to become a consumer market from a production base. I took the automobile as an example, but the movement is similar in the electric industry.
Another country that has a good prospect is Myanmar. Since 2012, the expansion of Japanese companies has been accelerating. Since the inauguration of President Thein Sein in 2011, political and economic reforms have progressed. Transferred from military government to civil authority. Due to the liberalization of the media, Nikkei, Asahi, NHK, etc. have opened branch offices. In addition, Abe was elected as Prime Minister for the first time in 36 years. Worker wages in Myanmar are 10,000 yen per month, which is about one-third of Thai wages of 30,000 yen.
Myanmar is the westernmost part of ASEAN surrounded by five countries, China, India, Bangladesh, Thailand and Laos, and has a market of 2.7 billion people. According to a Japanese apparel owner, which considers it an export base to Japan, they want to switch to exporting to a market of 2.7 billion people in the future. The location in Myanmar is so good. It is close to the Middle East and Africa, and has abundant resources such as oil, natural gas, and mineral resources such as copper, gold, and tin. Natural gas is exported to China and Thailand. Not only rice, but also fish, squid, shrimp and other seafood are fresh. The literacy rate is 92%, which is almost the same as Vietnam and Indonesia, and the grammar is close to Japanese, so learning Japanese is not too difficult for them. It seems to be pro-Japanese along with Taiwan and Turkey. The challenges are power shortage and human resources. There are very few middle managers. With Japanese language ability, the relationship between Myanmar and Japan is expected to develop further in the future. Considering that Myanmar was economically more powerful than Thailand in the past, I think it will catch up with the delay of the military government era of more than 20 years.
○ There are many cars in Thailand. In 2012, the number of automobiles produced was 2.45 million, making it the ninth largest in the world. The economy is not as good as it used to be, but the standard of living is almost the same as in Japan. Thailand has the second largest number of 7-Eleven stores in the world after Japan with 8500 stores. Japan has 15,000 stores, but the population is 66 million, so considering the population ratio, it is almost the same as Japan. FamilyMart has also exceeded 1,000 stores. Kinokuniya also opened, and there are all kinds of Japanese books. You can live the same life as in Japan, there are such as UNIQLO, Izakaya, and ramen shops. 16 Japanese regional banks and 4 credit unions have been joining the market to collect information. The disadvantage is that wages are high and it is difficult for people to collect. Manufacturers who have an unemployment rate of less than 1% and have to secure a large number of workers are having a hard time. Some companies have moved to Cambodia and Laos. Occasionally there are floods in Thailand and now there are political risks too. It is a conflict between the Thaksin faction and the anti-Thaksin faction that support the farmers. Military personnel have caused a coup d’etat and are now in a military junta. There is a good side to becoming a military junta. It is an inheritance tax that also contributed to political conflict. There was no inheritance tax in Thailand and there was a disparity, but an inheritance tax was created in February.
○ There are many motorcycles in Vietnam. It has not been easy to shift the society from a motorcycle to a car. In 2014, Ion was created in Ho Chi Minh City. People in Vietnam like sushi. Daiso is more expensive than Japan (200 yen). Marugame Seimen is also available. There is also Takashimaya Department store in Ho Chi Minh city. You can find a lot of motorcycle from Honda there. Yakult is also expanding. Vietnam has a population of 90 million. It will overtake Japan eventually. It will attract attention as a consumer market. Corporate investment in eating out and retailing has decreased slightly. It’s not as strong as it was. Factory expansion is stagnant. Meanwhile, South Korea is investing a tremendous rate. Until 2013, Japanese investment was the best, but in 2015, South Korea became No. 1. Focusing on mobile phone production, in 2014, mobile phones were the top exporter in Vietnam. It has changed from exporting textile products to exporting mobile phones.
○ Cambodia. In Phnom Penh Aeon, the unit price is higher than Vietnam. Toyoko Inn, occupancy rate does not seem to be good, but it is expected that business and tourists will increase on Narita-Phnom Penh. ANA direct flights are from September. Wages are rising recently. The monthly allowance is 20,000 yen. Lexus is a large proportion of cars. You can see Honda, Suzuki, Yamaha, etc.
○ Laos. It has abundant human resources compared to Cambodia, Vietnam and Thailand. When you cross these countries, your wages are tripled and many people from Laos go to work to those three countries. From 6.5 million total populations, nearly 500,000 are migrant workers. There are many migrant workers from Laos so it is difficult to get human resources in Laos. It is not suitable for industries that require large-scale workers from 100 to 500 people. Vientiane, the capital, has stronger roads than Ho Chi Minh. There were many new cars, and the GDP per capita exceeded $ 4,000. Cars sell and home appliances sell for over $ 3,000, which is higher than Hanoi which is $ 3,500. Shopping malls are also starting to open. We can’t show you all 10 ASEAN countries because we don’t have enough time, but each country has changed considerably.
● The secretariat described about “the background of the establishment of ASEAN-NAGOYA CLUB”.
In the summer of 2014, we started to discuss about “How many Japanese corporates know about ASEAN’s partner countries and make appropriate decisions to maintain the relationship with ASEAN countries. Most of Japanese are doing economic activities without having a knowledge about the other country, especially the culture, tradition, and work etiquette. In order to build a solid relationship with the partner country, it is important to have a good understanding of culture and traditions before conducting economic activities.
The Japanese people are known by their kindness, seriousness, excellent job, politeness, enthusiasm about work, and loyalty.” Basically that is a good foundation for business, but when they get the chance to talk to people from overseas, some problems arise. Japanese people sometimes get the negative stigma, such as “cold, too strict at work, arrogant, not replying the greetings, not getting close to each other after work, being too stiff, etc.” experience abroad.
In the era when ASEAN is rapidly strengthening the future, there is concern that the Japanese will be able to respond firmly. This was the impetus for the establishment of ASEAN-NAGOYA CLUB.
For that purpose, it may be necessary to promote mutual understanding not only in the economic sectors but also in culture, tradition, and way of thinking. Currently, many ASEAN countries are pro-Japanese, but in reality, they have not always been pro-Japanese. In January 1974, Prime Minister Tanaka visited Southeast Asia and received a fierce opposition, and in Indonesia he returned home without being able to leave the guesthouse. The anti-Japanese riots in Thailand and Indonesia at that time were large-scale.
Our country was devoted solely to economic activity and downplayed mutual understanding with the local people. The unsuccessful economic advance has sowed seeds of mutual distrust in the field and increased a fear. The larger the economy, the more dangerous the bilateral relationship between hearts and minds. Based on such reflection, Prime Minister Fukuda visited Southeast Asia in 1977 and announced the Fukuda Doctrine. The people of Japan and Southeast Asia are equal partners who do not become military powers and build heart-to-heart relationships. Forty years since then, thank you to these steady efforts, we have been able to gain a pro-Japanese today. Many young people may think that the people of ASEAN have always been pro-Japanese. Constant efforts are indispensable for building a pro-Japanese relationship. Trust takes a long time to build but it takes only one day to ruin. This is because their cultures, traditions, ways of thinking are different, and their values are very different. What you think is good can be the exact opposite in different countries. It is not enough to make things and sell things to ASEAN people without knowing about it.
Through international students, we understand each other’s cultures, traditions, and ways of thinking, what the differences are and what the common thing. We will discuss these simple questions in earnest and deepen mutual understanding. We Japanese are too inclined to economic activities. The performance of Japanese people who work hard is precious, but just because they work hard does not mean that they can easily understand the people from other country. ASEAN-NAGOYA CLUB wants to hold dialogues not only on the current economic situation but also on the future bilateral relations.
● Indonesia, INDRA KESUMA NASUTION (Nagoya University Graduate School of International Development, Doctoral Program)
Indonesia is undergoing rapid economic development and is projected to surpass Japan’s GDP around 2050. However, it is also true that there are various issues. With the inauguration of the ASEAN Community, we have a great opportunity, but the ASEAN Community emphasizes formal document expression rather than the idea of integration. No country in ASEAN can demonstrate strong leadership. What is needed for ASEAN to develop strongly? I think there is a hint to the EU’s progress. The appearance of locomotives in France and Germany for the three Benelux countries has led to the development of the EEC, EC and EU. Locomotive roles such as France and Germany are indispensable for ASEAN to make a leap forward. We are looking for that locomotive. Isn’t Japan suitable for that request? We are looking for it.
ASEAN-NAGOYA CLUB also plays an important role in connecting universities and industry. In general, the relationship between universities and companies are often the same, but ASEAN-NAGOYA CLUB connects universities and companies across the board. It fulfills the functions of meeting the needs of both the university and the business. ASEAN economic will not move anywhere without Japan. Japan economic will not have further progress without ASEAN. Why don’t we drive to the better future together? Decision is in our hands.
● Cambodia, LIM LYHONG (Nagoya University Graduate School of Law, Doctoral Program)
Overcoming the history of hardships during the Pol Pot era (1975-19791), students from Cambodia are now learning hard to help develop the homeland. There are three things I learned from participating in the ASEAN-NAGOYA CLUB. First, I was able to understand the true picture of Japan and its historical background. This is because the ASEAN-Nagoya Club has OBs (alumni) who are all experienced Japanese participants. The alumnus talks about their experience.
I have learned a lot. For example, privacy. When I came to Japan, I felt that Japanese people have a wide standard of privacy. For example, in September of last year, we were discussing about personal things that never asked by Japanese people. In Cambodia, even people who meet for the first time, after talking a little, people would ask questions such as “Are you married?”, But Japanese people don’t often hear that. Also, for example, even within the same company, it seems that they do not ask each other how much their salary is. What we have learned is that in Japan, people who talk about money have a history of being unappreciated. Even in the status system of the occupation in the Edo period, the status related to money has been regarded as the most disgusting. In other words, it turned out that people born in the Meiji, Taisho, and early Showa eras had such a strong spirit and were said to have no dignity when talking about money.
Secondly, I was able to learn the Japanese way of thinking that I cannot learn at university. For example, “hospitality”. Especially, the hospitality to our customers. Perhaps, when you come to the apartment, you will often see the clerk bowing to the customer many times, saying “Welcome” and “Thank you”. However, what impressed me more about “Japanese hospitality” was the use of jargon in department stores. In other words, it seems that many jargon is used in the company so as not to be rude to customers. Everyone who participated was also very impressive. Even if I lived in Japan for 10 or 15 years, I don’t think I can learn this wonderful idea without the opportunity to join the ASEAN-Nagoya Club.
Thirdly, by participating in this club, I was able to learn about the cultural and social information of ASEAN as well as Japan. The ASEAN-Nagoya Club has international students from Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines and Vietnam, and they taught me about the situation in their country, which was a great learning experience. For example, last year we were discussing the theme of “what is happiness?” At that time, all the participants picked up 10 items of their own happiness (My Happiness). Common items include (1) health, (2) family, (3) money, and (4) friends, but I found that Indonesian students value the neighborhood association called “Rukun” very much.
What kind of roles should international students who come to Japan play? The roles they can play as follows.
The first is to be a bridge between Japan and your own country. To be specific, it is to provide information and appeal about their own country. For example, if there is a Japanese who wants to know about “higher education” in Cambodia, I would like to introduce it. Or, introduce a Cambodian friend who is familiar with “higher education”. On the contrary, if you want to know information about Japan, you can ask. For example, even if you don’t know the information, you can ask the OB because there is an OB of the ASEAN / Nagoya Club.
The second is to be the contact point for ASEAN. For example, if a Japanese person asks a question about Indonesia, it is possible to introduce an Indonesian International student. So what should ASEAN international students do in order to be able to do that? My opinion is quite common, but I think we have to do as follows:
First, I think it is important to learn more about ASEAN culture, historical background and basic social circumstances, and to have an accurate understanding. For example, Japanese concerns about being punctual. However, ASEAN people are generally a little bit relaxed about the time. I think it is necessary to understand each other before communicating.
Secondly, it is important to create an ASEAN network. In other words, I have to make more and more friends from ASEAN countries while maintaining the relationship among the members of the ASEAN / Nagoya club. That way, when a Japanese person asks, “Would you like to introduce someone to an ASEAN friend?”, I will introduce them to the Japanese immediately.
Thirdly, I think it is necessary to learn the Japanese language in order to become a bridge between Japan and your own country. Of course, the technology is advancing now, and I think there are probably interpreters and translators, but I think it would be good if I could speak Japanese in order to build a relationship of trust and familiarity with Japanese people. I think it’s important to be able to have basic conversations even if you can’t write or read.
● PAK CHANLINO, Nagoya University (Graduated from Nagoya University Graduate School of Law, Master’s Program) PAK CHANLINO graduated from Nagoya University Graduate School of Law and as a first-year student of ASEAN-NAGOYA CLUB, and is currently a lawyer in Phnom Penh. He is active as an office representative. He sent a video of his introduction and gave a testimony how valuable all the experience he had while participating in ASEAN-NAGOYA CLUB and explained the importance of networks in the future activities among Japan and ASEAN countries.
The first symposium for ASEAN-NAGOYA CLUB was very successful. The venue was full and everyone listened very enthusiastically. We would like to express our deepest gratitude to all the people involved and participants at Nagoya University.
March 13, 2016 ASEAN-NAGOYA CLUB Secretariat